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Liberty, Missouri


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City Saver

City Saver

Learning and Growing in Christ

Our vision for this site is to be able to accumulate teachings and information that YOU need to help you grow right where you are. We will load up some of what got us to this point, but after that it’s up to the Local Body in your city. Jesus preached to whole cities. Did you know that? The letters to the seven church that Jesus gave to John the Apostle were to ALL the believers in each city – Ephesus, Thyatira, Smyrna, Laodecia, etc. The Apostle Paul addressed his letters to the “Church in Corinth” or the “Church in Ephesus.” But … you might say … what about the “Churches of the Galatians” – isn’t that plural? Well, yes, but that’s be Galatia is a region, like Missouri, not a single city like Ephesus. So Paul it sending out a letter that he expects will be circulated through all the churches he planted in the different cities of Galatia.

If you have recommendations of things you’d like to see posted for the benefit of everyone in your town, just contact your CityServant through the email or forms provided. But … we’re not going to fight about certain things and we’re not going to promote factions. Across the board, it doesn’t seem like we’ve done a very good job of loving one another despite our disagreements. It’s going to be a real test to see if this can even work.

My dad was a Southern Baptist pastor and missionary, but worked with a lot of different groups. When people asked if he believed in a pre-tribulation rapture or a post-tribulation rapture, he always responded that he was “pan-trib” – that he believed it was all going to pan out.

So please use this tool to meet, share, resource and love one another – but we really don’t need it to be just another place to argue. The rule should be; on primary issues – unity – and on secondary issues – grace. We are about Christ and Him crucified – maybe the other stuff we’ve debated enough already. We should be able to agree on the things Jesus said in Matthew 25 about feeding and clothing and caring for the sick and loving one another – or else.

You’d think, wouldn’t you?

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