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Every day, words come out of our mouths, but we are oblivious to the real effects that the words we say have in both the spiritual and physical realms. You may say that your words are nothing but an “expression of speech” and dont mean anything. But, what if I told you that your simple response of: “i dont have the money for that” is actually helping to keep you poor?

Or if I told you that the reason that you are sick in the winter is because you had said on multiple occasions: “yea, every year I get sick during winter – it never fails.” are you interested in learning why the things you say can happen? The reality is that the things we say do have meanings and they can affect our every day lives and future. Not only that, our words can affect other people, as well.

If you look at the first chapter of genesis then you will see that creation was spoken into existence. Notice where it says: “and god said” in verses 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, and 24. This shows that God spoke things into existence. according to genesis 1:27 we are made in the image of god. If we are made in the image of God, then what are we capable of doing? One of the things we are able to do is we are able speak things into existence, or, for a better word, we can make decrees. Does that mean that we can speak an entire universe, like ours, or maybe gold bars, into existence?

Well, I know of no account of history, in which, a human has done this, but if jesus decides to work through you, then I do not doubt the possibility of it being able to happen. However, the decrees we make (which are the words we say), can happen. And the words we say (or decrees) CAN affect our lives and the lives of others. Want proof? Look at proverbs 18:21, which says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Let me give you a couple of examples of decrees:

here is an Example of a decree that you can make, which affects you: let’s assume that you say: “it would be my luck if I got the flu.” although it doesnt sound like anything bad, you just might get the flu, because, whether you realize it or not, you pretty much just declared it to happen.

Here is an Example of a decree a person makes, which affects someone else:

a doctor tells someone that they have 3 months to live

then that person dies 3 months later. (why would the person die? because the person accepted the decree that the doctor gave. If they did not accept the decree, then they most likely would not have died in that time frame. Remember hearing stories about people who were given 3 months to live and they lived another few years? Some of those people refused to accept their doctor’s words as “truth.” meaning that they rejected the decrees of death over them, so they lived longer.)

It may not make much sense how that works right now, so im going to give you a little more background on why you can say something and it will come to pass. According to Romans 8:16-17, we are joint heirs with Jesus. What you need to realize is that Jesus has been given power and authority over everything (according to matthew 28:18) if we are joint heirs with christ, then we inherit noble decree making power in heaven.

According to (matthew 18:18), “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” this shows that we can bind and loose things in heaven and earth by the decrees we make. Job 22:28 says it quite plainly: “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” You just need to remember that you can decree both good and bad things unto ourselves and others.

Now, If you say that you are going to get sick, THEN you had made that decree on earth, and it becomes a certainty in heaven. Since you are a joint heir with christ AND can wield the authority of christ, then what you speak will happen – for good or for worse. The spiritual realm and our physical realm is intertwined together beyond our understanding. What we decree in heaven can happen on earth and what we decree on earth can happen in heaven. What people do not realize, or understand, is the fact that, what we say can become real.

How decrees become witchcraft ( name it and claim it.)

the things you say (ie decrees you make) can become witchcraft, magic spells, or curses over you or someone else. If you tell someone that they are going to get a cold, because they are standing out in the rain, then you just spoke a curse over them. I played out in the rain many times and I never got a cold from it. It is not a 100% certainty that you will get a cold if you play in the rain. But speaking over someone, like your child, that they are going to get a cold if they play out in the rain, increases the likelihood that it will happen.

Here is some common, every day sayings that are actually curses:

1) remember people telling their children that they are going to grow up to be just like their father or mother. If the parents are drug addicts, then this could bind the children to be drug addicts, just like their parents; thus, it is a curse upon them. It is possible for a child to not grow up and be like their parents.

2) call them stupid

3) tell someone that they will never amount to anything.

– if you say those things to your children then it will cause a whole slew of psychological problems in the future and may even bind them to an unsuccessful future life

4) I cant do <this or that> – mother cant do math, b/c she said that she cant

5) I dont have the money, or I cant afford it.

6) im going crazy – lets demons of insanity upon you

7) im going to kill you – lets in the demons of murder and hatred

8) im fat and ugly – lets in condemnation demon

9) no one likes me – lets rejection demon in

10) I cant live without <this> – could bring in addiction, and withdraw, turn it into an idol.

and the list goes on and on. Just ask god to show you what curses you are speaking over yourself.

Here are some examples of binding things up in heaven and earth via decrees:

1) you say: God doesnt talk to anyone anymore – this tells God that you do not want to hear from him, so he will not talk to you. However, this only affects you and the people who believe this.

2) you say: God doesnt heal anyone anymore. This concept might be a personal belief or it might be part of your theology. This tells God that you do not want him to heal you. Actually, if you believe that, then you have bound it in heaven and earth to be so; therefore, it is true – God wont heal YOU, but that only applies to YOU, not me. Why? Because YOU made it that way, through your decrees and belief system.

3) you believe in the cescationist theology: for those who do not know, this theology says that the gifts of the holy spirit were only for those old days and have stopped. This binds up all the spiritual gifts and keeps you from getting anything. If you revoke all the spiritual gifts from yourself, then you are going to end up fairly close to spiritually dead. It doesnt mean that you cant be saved, but your ability to do anything for the kingdom is fairly close to near zero. A christian without the spiritual gifts to expand the kingdom is like a person trying to build a house without any tools and hardly any supplies – that person will be able to do something, but it wont be much.

Now, those examples I just gave you are theological concepts that become true by accepting them and teaching them. However, I have heard of accounts where people did not believe in the gifts, but they had the gifts and were using them, but just did not know it. Since the gifts are for the expansion of the kingdom of God, god may just give gifts to people who dont believe in them, because that person can be used to expand the kingdom – he might just keep that person oblivious to the fact that they have spiritual gifts. – the lesson to be learned is that God can overturn your decrees.

Exceptions to the rules: (where trying to bind things up or making decrees just wont work)

1) god doesnt exist – you cannot make god stop existing. This is impossible

2) satan/demons dont exist – they do and are immortal. You cant kill them off with decrees. If you believe this, then you already got some on you. – get deliverance.

3) demons cant possess christians – there is a decree from God that has already been made that if you sin, then demons are allowed “possess” you. You cant overturn God’s decree.

4) the concept/theology of: I can sin all I want and god will just forgive me. / Jesus already died for all my sins, so it doesnt matter if I keep on sinning, because they are already covered – no, forgiveness is an if, then condition. If you repent and ask for forgiveness, then god will forgive you. If you do not repent and ask for forgiveness, then you will die in your iniquity (of course, there is confession that goes along with that). – once again, this is a decree that is written in many places in the bible – you cannot overturn the conditions for forgiveness that are already set in place. (luke 13:1-5 seems to be the example)

There exists a lot of theologies like the ones I previously mentioned, that are out there. They are made by demons with the purpose to disarm Christians and make them incapable of battling against satan. Some of your biggest things that block you from having a better relationship with god, are going to be your theological curses/bindings that you speak over yourself and believe. Simply put: some theologies are lies and these lies keep you from God. (repeat)

how witchcraft spells work:

now im going to tell you a little about how the words you say become witchcraft.

Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” with this scripture, we are going to look at the “death” side of the power of the tongue. The death side of the tongue would be witchcraft. right now im going to teach you a little about casting magic spells. Why would I do this is a biblical teaching? Because many christians in the church are using witchcraft and casting magic spells upon themselves and others and do not even know it.

In the old days, during the times when the bible was being written, witchcraft and magic was out in the open. It was part of various cultures and people knew how to do witchcraft, because all the pagan nations did it in public. That is why the bible mentions witchcraft and doesnt expand on what it is that much. When the cathlolics started their witch hunts, all the witchcraft religions went into hiding; thus, the practice of witchcraft went from public view, to being hidden and unknown to the public. Today, no one knows how witchcraft is done anymore, except those who do practice it. This is to teach you to recognize a magic spell, so you can repent of doing such things and to stay away from doing it.

most people think of witchcraft and casting spells as with skulls, chanting, black candles, pentagrams on the floor, and maybe a sacrifice. Ok, some magic spells are done that way, however, they are not required. At its basic form, magic spells require only a few basic things to work:

1) desire – the want for something to happen

2) motive – the reason why you want it to happen (needs to be evil or sinful in nature)

3) thought – to constantly think about it and dwell upon it (imaginations) – using your desire and motives.

4) making the decree. ( this is their chanting)

This is an example of how a normal christian would cast a spell upon someone:

we will use 2 fictional characters: jane and bob. Bob gets angry at jane and has an argument with her. After the argument, Bob leaves even more angry, due to the things said, and begins to hate jane. Then bob has some thoughts about wanting jane to get into a car accident, so he dwells upon those thoughts of her getting into an accident throughout the day. After a day or two, bob’s hatred has increased and he starts saying that he wishes that jane would get into a car accident.

A week later, jane’s car goes off a bridge and plunges into the river below, because she fell asleep at the wheel. Who is at fault? Bob, because he put the magic spell over her. Did he make a sacrifice, or draw a pentagram, or light some black candles? no. he is just a normal every day christian that goes to the local church. In fact he shuns satanism and doesnt even want to talk about demons, but he put a magic spell over jane. The question is, is how? First let’s look at the 4 pieces required to cast a magic spell:

These are the components of bob’s magic spell:

1) desire – he wanted jane to have an accident – he was wishing harm upon her

2) motive – the reason was due to hatred and anger towards jane – revenge

3) thought – bob imagined that jane would go off a bridge into the river below, day in and day out.

4) decree – he would mutter and mumble that jane would get into an accident. He even told people that he wanted /or wished for her to get into an accident.

Why is this a magic spell? An evil desire, born from hatred was decreed over jane. This opened up doors for demons to jump onto bob. Eventually, some demons answered the call of the decrees that he made and caused jane to fall asleep that night; thus, causing her to go over the bridge into the river below.

the evil desires of bob becoming a magic spell should be obvious, but lets move on to an example that happens in churches all around america every sunday, which is not so obvious. It is known as the “Name it and claim it.” gospel. for those who do not know, name it and claim it, is basically a concept of “naming what you want and claiming it as yours in faith.” usually, the name it and claim it is used for material possessions and / or money. Examples of it would be: “i want a bigger house, so I will believe in faith that god will give it to me and I will claim it as mine every day, by speaking it out loud.” another example would be: “i am going to believe for a raise at my job, or a better job, and I am going to claim it as mine – every day, until I get it.”

these are the components of the “name it and claim it” magic spell:

1) desire – you have the desire for more mammon (material possessions or money) – the “name it” part

2) motive – mainly from greed and/or lust for something more, despite the fact that you might already have your needs met. (most people just live outside of their means and expect more and more – that is just greed)

3) thought – you dwell about the so called “fact” that you are going to get more money or some type of material possession – via faith

4) decree – this is the “claim it” it part. You speak out, day after day, that you are going to have that money or material possession.

Why is it witchcraft? you have a desire for more possessions or wealth born from evil motives (greed, lust for more). You think about your “name it and claim it promise” (ie desire) throughout the day. Then you make sure you “claim it” every day.

Technically, the christians who are practicing “name it and claim it” are not much different than the people who become satanists to get rich. Why? The same evil desires are there. Also, the demons that respond to the “name it and claim it” gospel are the same types of demons that will respond to the satanists magic spells to get rich. Yup, that’s right: demons are the ones who are making you rich when you practice the witchcraft of the “name it and claim it gospel” for your sinful / evil desires.

if it is god responding to your evil desires to have more, then technically, it is a curse, because he is handing you over to your evil desires and to satan to have his way with you. Why would god do this? Because you are trying to use witchcraft to get what you want, while using the authority of christ to cast the spell. This is bad, and you will be punished for it, so if you are in the midst of this type of name it and claim it, then you need to repent. (there are multiple examples of where god turns people over to their lusts) (romans 1:24-30) (Psalm 81:12)

on another note: the declare and decree gospel can turn into witchcraft, as well. With making decrees, you have to walk a very fine line to keep it godly. All you have to do, is to add in some evil desire or intentions and those decrees you make will become witchcraft. Let me repeat: if you have evil desires or motives when making a decree, then it is witchcraft.


not only can you make decrees via the things you say, but you can make them via singing, as well.

Lots of people love to sing music, but you need to look at the lyrics of the songs you listen to. A lot of these songs have magic spells imbued into them, or the lyrics are simply just curses that you sing over yourself. Literally, some of the lyrics are nothing but magic spells being sung. (take a look on youtube and you will find some famous singers who have admitted that they imbed magic spells into the lyrics or that the whole song is nothing but a single magic spell.)

When you listen to the lyrics, consider these questions: What does the song talk about? What curses are you decreeing over yourself when you sing the lyrics? Are you singing yourself into a life of poverty? Are you singing yourself into a relationship breakup, by singing that he/she broke your heart? Or are you singing a song like “no leaf clover” that has lyrics that says “the light at the end of your tunnel is nothing but a freight train heading your way.” that lyric means that your hope is going to bring you really bad disaster. Would you really want to decree over yourself that your hope is going to be a massive disaster? Think about that.

You want an example of how music can HELP destroy an entire community? Look at the black ghettos. What do they normally sing in the ghettos? Rap, R&B, and hip-hop. What does a lot of those songs sing about? Sex, violence, gangster culture, money, crime, and drugs. Now what do you see a lot of in the midst of the ghettos? Sex, drugs, violence, crime, and gangs. Those communities usually have multiple generational curses over them, like the bastard curse, and the curses they got from their ancestors practicing witchcraft (voodoo). In addition to the multiple generational curses that they already have upon them, they also sing curses and magic spells over themselves, which further condemns them into that a terrible lifestyle of poverty, sickness, violence, drugs, and crime. As time goes on, their community gets worse and worse.

some of you may not listen to r&b, rap or heavy metal, but around here, I know lots of people like to listen to country. It has been about 15 years since ive listened to country, but during that time when I heard it, it had 3 different themes: crying, loving, or leaving. Now think about this: if you are in a happy relationship or marriage, then why would you want to sing songs about you breaking up with your spouse, or girlfriend, or boyfriend? Or why would you want to sing songs about how your relationship or marriage turns into misery and becomes an emotional disaster? If you are a child of god, then your words have authority. Music is nothing but words being spoken in the midst of a tune.

What you need to remember is that those songs of disaster, hardship, pain, or suffering that you sung over yourself can actually come to pass, because of your noble birthright to decree things into existence. Now, if you decide to go out and find some songs about getting rich and you start singing those in hope that you will get a lot of money, then be warned: it is still most likely a magic spell, due to your greed or lust for money. God might hand you over to it and it will become a curse unto you.

Now lets look at another factor of music: look at the tune, tempo, and beat of music. You change those things and you can influence emotion. Look at the music chosen for the action scenes of movies. It is completely different from the music of a disaster scene, or a scene of romance. I know the tempo, beat, and tune of music can influence emotions. That right there shows that music without words has power within it.

Music has power in it and when you combine it with your authority in christ, then you can bring down the disasters of that song into your life. You need to be careful of what you sing. And you need to listen to the lyrics to make sure you dont decree something unfavorable into your life or someone else’s life. At one time, there existed a certain song that had a certain beat and tune to it and the lyrics constantly said “fight, fight”. They had to ban that song in the clubs, because whenever they played that song, people would begin fighting.

Those are examples of earthly music. Now let’s take a look at an example heavenly music: Some of you may know this, but there are different versions of tongues. And there exists a version of tongues of whistling. All it is, is whistling a tune. If you have the gift of interpretation of tongues, then you will notice that the tune is “saying something” and has meaning to it. Not only that, it has power and authority. Music can be very powerful, so watch what you sing.

the desires of your heart can also become decrees

The bible says a lot about the heart and our desires. But the main goal is to get our hearts perfect with the lord our god. 1 Kgs 8:61 says: “Let your heart therefore be perfect with the Lord our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.” there exists a reason why the bible says that we need to have a perfect heart with God AND this is, because the desires of our hearts can also become decrees.

How is this possible: first, God searches our hearts (Jer 17:10), so he knows what is in our heart. Second, God will give us the desires of our hearts (according to Ps 21:2, Mark 11:24, Ps 37:4, Prov 10:24, Ps 145:19). so, if God knows the desires of our hearts, and will give us what we desire, then that means that we can desire something and it will happen without having to say that desire out loud.

Let’s give some examples:

1) you have a fear that your spouse is going to get into a car accident. You never say it out loud, but you worry about it all the time. A year later, your spouse gets into that accident that you worried would happen. How did this happen? The demon of fear gave you the idea that your spouse would get into an accident. You accepted this and worried about it. Eventually, you accepted it as fact; therefore, you had “faith” that it would happen. This “fact” turned into a subconscious level desire. And then that desire was fulfilled. Essentially, it was a witchcraft spell against your spouse, that started, because you accepted the idea of the accident from the demon of fear. The lesson to be learned: If you accept the lies of a demon, then you will be handed over to the demon.

2) you have a craving for a chocolate cake, but you never tell anyone. Then a week later, a lady at church brings you a chocolate cake, saying: “god told me to make this cake for you.” God knew that you wanted a chocolate cake and then had one of his servants make it for you.

3) Matt 5:28 “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart”. – in the spiritual realm, thoughts and desires become reality. In theology, we are mostly taught that this verse is an “imagination” thing, but there are two things to notice: 1) lust – lust is not just a thought, but also a desire. #2 – jesus says that the man commits adultery in his heart, not mind. Desires are in the heart.

4) I have heard many stories from various people who have done spiritual warfare, where they would desire or imagine that a demon was bound or harmed (like being hit in the head with an anvil or something) and it instantly happened.

There are lots of stories where a person’s desire happens. You might even have some stories of your own, where your unspoken desires have come to pass, just think about it. But for now, let’s move on to something frightening, but this needs to be known – and that is the understanding that satan and his kingdom will try to use your authority.

Demons talk through us

what you need to know is that demons do not have authority, but will seek to use your authority to do their evil deeds. They can use your authority by speaking through you. Yes, demons can make you say things – this is one of their manifestations. I have noticed it myself. You know those times where you have one of those “really quick responses” that you dont think about first. It usually is just something that you just “blurt” out as an immediate response, without thinking about it first. Then, after that, it causes problems, b/c what you said was bad, or hurtful. Events like this can usually be attributed to a demon speaking through you.

Need some proof that demons can speak through you: let’s look at the bible: first: Luke 9:54-55. This is where jesus and the disciples were not received in a town and james and john wanted to call fire down upon that town. Then jesus told them “you do not know which spirit you are of.” there are 2 types of spirits: good and evil. The good spirit is the Holy spirit. The evil spirits are demons. If God is good, loving, and filled with grace and mercy, then why would he want to kill off everyone for such a trivial matter? The only ones who would want to do this are the demons. And those were the spirits jesus was referring to, in this passage. And it was those evil spirits who impressed their evil desires onto james and john and got those two to suggest that fire should be called upon that city.

Then there is matthew 16:23, where jesus tells peter “get behind me satan.” now you can interpret that in 3 different ways: peter was possessed by satan, peter was satan, or peter was possessed by a demon when peter SAID WHAT HE SAID in verse 22. now, if peter was satan, then you have a whole slew of theological problems, like why did jesus choose satan to be a disciple? Also, Why should we trust those parts of the new testament that had peter (aka satan) in them? So the safest, actually the correct choice of interpretation, would be that peter was possessed by satan or a demon at that time.

Lots of people would agree that the idea that the 12 apostles were the first “christians.” Many denominations consider the 12 apostles to be great men. Now, if the 3 of the 12 apostles can have demons on them, or even speaking through them, then it is quite possible for christians, like us, to have demons, too. This theology of “christians cannot have demons” mostly comes from the idea that demon possessed christians cannot be found in the bible. However, the person who came up with that theology didnt know very much, if anything, about deliverance and certainly did not have enough, if any, apostolic or prophetic revelation to show where those verses were.

Another idea that they use for the “christians cannot have demons theology” is that christians cannot be possessed by demons, because the holy spirit owns you. However, if you look at the websters definition for possessed it gives the definition as: “ influenced or controlled by something (as an evil spirit, a passion, or an idea).” if a demon influences you to buy a donut and you obey, then it is controlling you. It is your lord. If jesus tells you to buy a donut and you obey, then he is possessing you and jesus is your lord.

Those 4 verses I previously mentioned are proof that christians can have demons and that demons can talk through you. Now there are a few different ways that demons will get you to speak:

1) they will give you an idea (thought). This is a scientific explanation of things – you can believe what you want. Demons speak to you via hypersonic waves. Hypersonic waves move faster than sound and cannot be heard via ears, but can be heard in our brains. It is the speed at, which, thought travels. So, technically, when demons talk to us, it resonates in our brains as “thoughts.”

now, demons are really sneaky and masters of deception. When they talk to you, they do not say “you want another donut.” no, they say: “i want another donut” notice the word “ I ”. they put the word “ I “ in front of it to make you think that YOU had the thought. Now if a demon plants a thought into your brain of “i want a donut”, THEN you voice that “idea or thought” of “I want a donut.” now, it is a decree and eventually you will want one.

2) the demons will give you an impression, picture, or feeling. This may sound familiar to some of us, because it is how the prophetic works. Remember: demons like to copy how god works. So they might give you a picture, like of porn, or might make you feel angry, or give you an impression that a person is “bad.” now these impressions, pictures, or feelings will usually lead to something bad and make you say things, or do things, that you shouldn’t.

3) they will gain temporary control of your impulses and make you say things while you have your guard down. (this is that super quick response that was automatic, that you dont think about, and it causes problems)

4) they will use someone else to agitate, or coerce, you into saying something evil or hurtful in response.

Demons are here to destroy us and hurt us in every way possible. They will get us to say things, which, technically is us making decrees, to get their evil biddings accomplished. This is why 2nd corithinans 10:5 tells us to bring our thoughts into captivity. If we watch what we say, then we can prevent evil from being decreed into existence.

Joking with people:

now, some of those thoughts we need to bring into captivity, are the ones where we joke around with people. In the midst of the american culture, we like to joke around a lot and “jokingly” make fun of people. What we dont realize is the affect it has IN the spiritual realm. Even though, we are joking about things, those jokes can turn into reality and/or cause spiritual damage. For example: a guy might start losing his hair. Although this is natural, people might start calling him baldy. Although, the name calling of “baldy” may be considered to be playful and without meaning, it is still a decree that went out.

That decree could turn into a full manifestation of hair loss for that guy who is being called “baldy.” another thing to consider is that the “name calling,” in addition to being a curse, may also be causing spiritual damage to that man’s spiritual heart. Going bald can be a subconscious “self-esteem” issue for the guy. If this is true, then the name calling can cause a spiritual broken heart. When that happens, it opens doors for demons to come in and possess that person. Some of those demons who might come In would be: self-consciousness, self-condemnation, depression, etc.

now, from what I have discerned, joking around by saying “mean things” is actually brought about by specific demons that try to belittle, bully, or make fun of people, in order to harm them, or cause damage to their spiritual heart. This demon is named as the bullying, mocking, teasing, belittling, and making fun of – demon. However, that is really long to say. But there is another name that I use and it does respond to it: that name is iigemadu (ee-zhee-ma-doo). Iigemadu is a japanese word that means to “bully, belittle, mock, tease, or make fun of, either in a jokingly or harmful manner.”

If you are a person who likes to joke around by saying things that might belittle, or make fun of someone, or even yourself, then you need to stop it. It is causing damage in the spiritual realm, whether you realize it or not, and usually it is influenced by the demonic. Now it is possible that a person has been joking around so long, that it has become part of their personality. The way to find out if that is the case or not, is to cast iigemadu to the abyss or the feet of jesus. Then if the person is still joking around when the demon is gone, then it usually means that it is part of their personality and they need to work on it.

What I am going to do is give you a few stories of how decrees have caused problems and open doors for demons. I am doing this, because it can help people see the events and what is going on, behind the scenes – in the midst of the spiritual realm.

Adventures of ted: (the following stories are based off the real events. However, the names of the real people have all be changed to ted.)

the powers of destruction:

my friend ted is a person who is almost always worried that his stuff is going to break. In fact, his stuff is always breaking. He constantly tells me to be careful with stuff or how to use it, because if it isnt used in a specific way, it will break. When I think about it, one of the most recent things that broke on him is his weed eater. It is only about 2 years old. No matter what we have tried, we cannot get the thing to crank. However, I have one, which is the same brand, but a lesser model that is about 11 years old. After I put a little seafoam into it, to clean the engine out, it fired up without any problems.

Now why is his stuff always breaking? Well when I started discerning the spiritual realm on this matter, I found that he has a demon of fear, which is always telling him that things are going to break, and that demon will even give him reasons for it, too. Some of those “reasons”, that were given to ted, for why something will break simply requires the rewrite of physics just to actually work. For example: ted told me that he didnt want to put full pressure onto his water hose, because it will break. I took a look at the water pressure of the house. It was at 33 psi. the water hose is a cheaper model, but it is rated for 75 psi. it is impossible by all means of physics for a water hose to break when it can handle 75 psi but only has 33 psi applied to it.

However, it can break. You want to know why? Because ted listened to the demon and started declaring that the water hose will break if it the water is turned full force. This looses into heaven that, that water hose can break IF the water is turned on full force. Since this decree went forth, demons have legal rights to attack the water hose and break it, just so it will fulfill the decree that ted made. Dont believe that demons could break inanimate objects? Consider spirits of infirmity that harm the physical body. The physical body is made out of matter, just like the water hose is. Want another example: remember hearing stories about haunted houses where objects just randomly move on their own or just fly across the room?

This is done by demons. If demons can harm the body or move objects, then they can break objects, like a water hose, but only if they have the legal rights to do so. If you are fearful that something is going to break, THEN start out by casting out the demon of fear and see if you feel better afterwords. I do, and it works well for me.

believing what you read comes true:

my friend ted is a health fanatic. He loves to eat all healthy stuff. However, he has all sorts of digestion and stomach problems. His cabinet is full of all sorts of strange health food supplements that I have never even seen or heard of. One day, I was looking at this stuff and began to wonder if god really did lead ted into buying all this stuff. So I asked god about it. Then god gave me a simple picture of a guy eating an ice cream cone and told me that the guy eating the ice cream cone had asked god if he could eat it and god said, “ yes he could.”

Then god showed me how ted makes decisions on what to eat: ted reads all sorts of various studies on what is good or bad. All of these studies are from man. Ted never did ask god what he should eat. In fact, ted looks towards man, instead of god, for what is good and bad to eat. Since this is the case, god gave ted his own personal demon that gets him to buy into strange health foods. Essentially, that demon has become an idol, which influences ted on what he should read and eat.

I wasnt too surprised by that, considering how strange his decisions are based on what he chooses to eat to be healthy. Now, if he is a health fanatic, then why does he have digestion problems and stomach problems? Part of the reason is due to sin and generational curses, but the other reason is the simple fact that he believes what he reads. Then, in addition to that, he promotes his health knowledge as truth to other people. Simply put, he is decreeing that the studies of man are true and god is allowing him to be affected in the way that he is decreeing.

Looking at this health food movement from a decreeing standpoint: it is simply like this: You believe in your heart it is true, and you speak it out to be true, so eventually those decrees become true.

As a sub story to this:

one day, I was sick and I went over to ted’s house. Ted noticed that I was sick and offered some of his special pills, which were made from a type of leaves. He pulled out his book of natural remedies and show me how this stuff could “heal” my nasal congestion. The he said that this stuff cost about $30 a bottle for 100 pills. He also gave his testimony on how these pills cured him in few days. I was skeptical, because I couldnt figure out in my mind how this stuff could scientifically cure you.

But I went ahead and took 15 pills with me. And ted told me to take 3 a couple of times a day. Well, the first day, I took the recommended doses of this stuff. I saw no changes. The next day, I looked at the pills. They were nothing but capsules with shredded leaves in them. I considered the science of taking all the pills at once and came to the conclusion that I could not overdose on the stuff, so I took the rest all at once to see if it would affect me. Nothing happened. I was still sick.

Then I asked god about it. God reveals to me that the only way the pills worked was due to witchcraft. Meaning, that you had to believe in it for it to work. Otherwise, they did nothing for you. That was a year or two ago. Now that I understand more about decrees, I can look back at that experience and know how it works behind the scenes. and this is how it works: you decree that it works. You believe that it works. Then something answers the call: and in this case, it was demonic. Since I didnt believe what ted told me about pills being able to cure me, it meant that i didnt accept, or agree, with his decrees, so the witchcraft fell through and did not affect me.

When you take a look at some of the old potion to tonic ingredients that witches used to heal people, they used stuff that we would consider “all natural ingredients.” scientifically, some of these things can be proven, because the ingredients might have higher doses of vitamins in them. And these vitamins can increase the immune system, thus, helping to fight down the sickness. But those ingredients, which cannot be scientifically proven, are usually going to work only via the decrees and by invoking witchcraft.

Demons through subtle speech:

one time, when I was living with ted, he came to me and and told me that company was coming. Ted was already panicked and told me that I needed to make sure that all my stuff was clean. Then he told me that my cleanliness was a reflection upon him. Well I agreed with him and carried on. A short time later, I begin to feel panicked. Then I felt pressured to clean, but I was busy working 12 hour days and didnt have time to clean, but I sensed as though his friends were coming in 2 days. Then I got little ideas that his friends shouldnt tour through my part of the house. After thinking about it for a day, I begin to get angry at ted. At the end of that day, god let me know what was happening in the spiritual realm and I cast it all off of me and I was back to my normal self.

This is what happened behind the scenes: ted spoke in a panicked way, which basically spoke panic over me. This opened a door for the demon of panic to rest upon me. Then I begin to feel panicked and rushed. The panic demon also gave me an impression that ted’s friends were coming in two days. Then the anxiety demon comes in and I get anxiety.

Then demons of conflict give me ideas about how ted’s friends should not be coming over and how they should not even venture into my little area. That opens an area in my heart for bitterness and anger to enter. Then those 2 demons jump on me and make me even more angry and bitter at ted. Now im completely turned against ted and im ready to fight with him. Then god lets me know what is going on and I cast the demons off of me and I feel normal after a few minutes.

In the end, I dont think his friends showed up. If they did, then I didnt see them. After everything took place, I found out that my agreeing with ted allowed his panic demon to jump on me. Then one thing lead to another. This is the lesson to be learned: be careful what you agree with, because you will find yourself under, or joined to, the things you agree with AND you will get all the spiritual problems with it. Side note: This also applies to various christian doctrines, if you believe false doctrine, then you will get yourself under that principality that rules over that false doctrine.

Demons through subtle speech (#2):

one week, we had some really bad storms and high winds. After the storms had passed, there was a nice, dry, peaceful day, so I decided to burn some trash at ted’s house. Ted had another friend over, as well. While I was outside setting the trash on fire, ted’s friend came over and told me to put the fire out. I asked him why and he told me that, that little fire would catch the surrounding leaves on fire and would proceed to burn down the forest. Technically, the possibility of this was maybe at 10% or less, due to the fact that there were no winds to blow the fire out of control.

However, the demon named “fear of forest fires” jumped on me. I recognized its presence right away. Since I knew it was there, I acknowledged the possibility of that demon making the fire go out of control, just to make ted’s friend’s decree come to pass. So I sat there and watched the fire until it burned down. And I talked to ted’s friend while I watched the fire. After the fire was out, I cast the demon off of me and went home.

I come back a week or two later and I notice that hundreds of square feet surrounding the burn pile was scorched. I just shrugged at it and continued on. A month or two later, I was helping ted cut some firewood and to stack it. While I was stacking the firewood, ted was off to prepare the rest of the wood for cutting. When I had finished stacking the wood, ted had arrived to fetch me. As we were walking to go cut some more wood, ted told me that he started another “controlled burn” to get rid of the leaves.

Then he proceeded to tell me that he had previously done another controlled burn, while pointing to the scorched land around the burn pile. When we reached the area he lit on fire, the fire had already burned about A 30 ft diameter circle. About an hour later, we managed to get the fire put out, after it burned about a quarter of an acre. When we got the fire put out, ted complained that some of the trees he liked got burned.

Shortly afterwords, I realized what had happened: ted had gotten a pyro demon that is convincing him to burn down the forest (although only a little at a time, via controlled burns). Now, how did this happen? A few months prior, teds friend made a decree that my burning of trash would set the forest on fire. After he said that, I noticed that demons responded to his decree and agreed that it would happened. That let in a pyro demon. That pyro demon jumped onto ted. Now, ted is full of “great” ideas that he wants to rid the leaves from his property, via controlled burns. And who is giving ted these “great” ideas? The pyro demon.

Fears of the heart

one day, ted gets and article about Alzheimers and its symptoms. When ted got home, he put the symptoms of Alzheimers on the refrigerator. Every day ted would read the list of symptoms. As the months pass by, he gets Alzheimers. A few more months pass by and it gets really bad. Then he calls a deliverance minister and he gets delivered of it.

Now what happened behind the scenes? Every day, ted reads the list of symptoms. Then a demon tells him that he has one of those problems and give him “examples” of when it happened. Ted believes it. Some time later, that demon tells him that he has another symptom and ted believes it. Then ted starts saying that he is beginning to get Alzheimers. Then a little later on, ted “notices” more “symptoms” and declares that he has Alzheimers. This is a case of ted believing a lie then decreeing that lie into existence. Now his life is ruined and he has all sorts of spirits of infirmity on him, because he loosed Alzheimers onto himself in heaven, via the decrees he made. Then it was manifested on earth, because he opened doors to allow those spirits of infirmity upon himself.

Fears of the heart (#2)

a woman has a medical issue and, because of it, she is afraid that she will not be able to bare children. She speaks about her worries to her friends and family. Then she is unable to get pregnant. What caused this to happen? First, she has a medical issue and hears from the demon of fear that she cannot have children – she believes it and it opens a door.

The Demon of fear gains legal rights and enters into the woman. then the demon gives the woman more ideas of why she cannot have children. She accepts it and starts making the decrees by expressing her fears, of the inability to get pregnant, to her friends and family. Then she she cant get pregnant. Why? She believed the demon of fear, then made the decrees that she cannot get pregnant, which looses unto her BODY: demons of stress and infirmity, which work to prevent her from getting pregnant.

What god says:

this next story is a fantasy based upon reality.

One day, ted was out with his wife at a restaurant to eat dinner. Ted was having a difficult time deciding what he wanted to eat, so his wife told him to ask god what he should eat. Well, ted was joking around and said that god told him to order the club sandwich. About 30 seconds later, god really does tell ted to order the club sandwich, so he does. Later on that night, ted ends up at the hospital, because he had gotten food poisoning from his club sandwich. Then ted asked god: “why did you tell me to buy the club sandwich if you knew it was going to give me food poisoning?” then god told him: “dont put words into my mouth.”

now, what are the lessons of this story and why did it turn out this way? Well, ted put fourth a decree that god would say something, although ted was joking about it. Then god allowed that decree to go fourth and he told ted to order the club sandwich. Now why was the food poisoned? This may be because someone left out the lunch meet too long and it went bad. Or maybe it was judgment from god. Which it was, is unknown.

What is important to know is that it is really bad to put words into god’s mouth. This is being a false prophet. If you are a real prophet and start issuing false prophecies, then god will most likely turn you over to a spirit of divination, which is going to sound just like god when it speaks to you. Then you will give prophecies from both satan and god, while thinking that you are only hearing from god. No matter what the reason, Issuing false prophecies is a path to destruction. If you do issue false prophecies, then you need to repent of it.

Spiritual warfare with decrees:

Those are some stories we can all learn from. But now, im going to tell you how you can have a little fun with decrees by engaging in some spiritual warfare. Remember in matthew 18:18, where it says: “Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” well, you can loose things upon satan and his kingdom by decreeing it to be so. For example, you can loose pain unto satan and all of his kingdom. What will happen? Satan and all his demons will feel pain.

During my warfare prayers, I make the following decree:

In the name of jesus, I loose unto satan and all of his kingdom: confusion, blindness, chains of binding, amnesia, brokenness, despair, laziness, procrastination, distraction, idleness, dementia, the plague, exhaustion, failure, misery, paralysis, unproductivity, conflict, civil war, and destruction, for the next 24 hours.

All of those things are different types of things that satan and his demons do to us to keep us beaten down, so I just return it back to him. Now, statistically, it is possible for christains to loose this upon satan and his kingdom once an hour, simply because someone (in a different time zone) can wake up and do a warfare prayer with this decree in it. Meaning that if a person in the eastern time zone gets up at 7 am and does this decree, then it will hit satan at that time. Then in the central time zone at 7 am, another christian will get up and do this decree, and it will hit satan again. And so on for each time zone.

Throw in the fact that not all christains will always pray at the exact same time (like 7am) , it is statistically possible that satan could be hit by this every minute of every day. This is assuming that you have a minimum of 1440 christians praying between 7 am and 8 am, with 60 of them praying in each time zone. Considering how many christians exist, it is quite possible to do this. All christians have to do, is to add this to their morning prayers.

Now, you dont have to specifically add my decree to your morning prayers. You can make up your own. Want demons to have broken legs? Then loose upon them broken legs. Want them to burn, then loose fire from heaven upon them. Think fire is too cold, then loose lava upon them. Think that is too cold, then loose plasma upon them. If you can think of a tragedy to loose upon satan and his demons, then loose it upon them. Be creative. Just dont loose those things upon humans – it is witchcraft.

Stopping the decrees:

Now we know about making decrees over ourselves and others, but what if someone makes a decree over us? What can be done to make sure it does not come to pass? Well, first, do not accept the decree that is spoken over you. If you accept someone else’s decree as fact, then it will give that decree legal authority over you. Remember: you are allowed to reject the decrees that other people make. If you reject it and refuse to accept it, then you can make another decree, which nullifies the previous decree. Or you could pray that the decree would not come to pass.

Also, you are capable of sending those decrees back onto the person who spoke them over you. But if they are speaking death curses over you and you send it back, then you may end up guilty of killing them COME judgment day. So, be careful of sending decrees, curses, or witchcraft spells back to the person who decreed them.

But what if you DO NOT know if someone has made a decree over you, like a curse, or spell? First, you can pray for god to shield you from all the spells, sorceries, and decrees that other people make over or against you – and he will. Second, you can make a counter decree, with the authority of christ, by decreeing that any evil spells, sorceries, or decrees (made over or against you) are to be broken and washed over with the blood of christ. That is how you can guard against: people’s decrees, the desires of their hearts, and from their witchcraft.

Here are a couple of prayers I make to shield me from decrees and to remove curses from me:

this one will shield me from the decrees:

Father, please shield me and the things I own from the spells, sorceries, and decrees that are not of you. Please shield me AND other people from the (spells, sorceries, decrees I make), words I say, and from the evil desires of my heart, which are not of you. Father, put a guard on my mouth that I can say no more or less than what you would want me to say. And if I say anything that is unholy, or not of you, may it drop to the ground and be of null effect. In the name of jesus – amen.

This is a prayer I say to nullify the decrees against me:

In the name of jesus , all the unholy spells, sorceries, and decrees made over or against me or my possessions: I now break, cover with the blood of Christ, and declare them as void. this includes all unholy spells, sorceries, or decrees made by any human, creature, or demon – both knowingly and unknowingly. Any demons involved in these decrees, spells, or sorceries, I curse them 7 fold and command them all to be sent to THE FEET OF JESUS.

Those are a couple of prayers you can use, that should be able to help you.

So, in closing, blessed are those with a pure heart. Be careful to watch over what you say and what you desire. And remember this scripture as well: (Matt 12:36 – 37) “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” the cumulative lesson to be learned from that scripture is that: your words can become decrees, which can turn into witchcraft, and so can your desires. You will be judged for this.

– by Kyle Ingalsbe

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